Sicherheitsbehoerden haben seit langem von der Bedrohung durch fluessige Sprengstoffe gewusst

Die bisher bekannt gewordenen Details des geplanten Terroranschlags in London erinnern Daniel Benjamin an eine fruehere terroristische Verschwoerung der Al-Qaida. “(…) it looks remarkably like a variation on the theme of the Bojinka conspiracy of 1994-95. In that plot, Ramzi Yousef, architect of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, worked with his uncle, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, planner of the Sept. 11 attacks, to blow up a dozen U.S. commercial jets almost simultaneously over the Pacific. The counterterrorism community is buzzing that the London plot was the real deal, a major conspiracy disrupted. Comparing these two foiled efforts can tell us a lot about what has changed in jihadist terror over the last decade and, equally important, what has not.” (Slate vom 10.8.2006)

Webtipp: Kampf gegen den Terror

Die “New York Times” schreibt, dass die Sicherheitsbehoerden seit langem von der Bedrohung durch fluessige Sprengstoffe wissen. Bisher gebe es allerdings noch keine verlaesslichen technologischen Moeglichkeiten, die Oeffentlichkeit effektiv gegen diese Bedrohung zu schuetzen. “Guardian Technologies already makes software that analyzes the images produced by X-ray machines. Mr. Lancaster said that the Transportation Security Administration would begin testing, possibly next week, a new computer program that looks at the X-ray image pixel by pixel, far more carefully than the human eye could. The software can be set to sound an alarm when a specified number of pixels show a liquid (or solid) with a density that is characteristic of an explosive.” (NY Times vom 11.8.2006)

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