Hat der Waffenstillstand im Libanon tatsaechlich eine Chance auf Erfolg? Viele Experten fuerchten Julian Borger zufolge, dass sich eine “Catch 22”-Situation entwickelt habe, die ein Ende der Gewalt eher unwahrscheinlich mache. “Israel yesterday repeated its refusal to withdraw from southern Lebanon until a muscular UN force arrives along with Lebanese troops to take the place of the Israeli army. In that time, Israel reserves the right to fight if attacked or threatened. Hizbullah has also given a formal nod to the truce, but insists it has an inherent right to combat Israeli forces occupying Lebanese soil. And countries contributing to the UN peacekeeping force, most notably France, are unlikely to send their troops into the middle of a firefight.” (Guardian vom 14.8.2006)
Webtipp: Kampf gegen den Terror
Der Nahost-Experte Robert Fisk ist sogar der Ueberzeugung, dass der “tatsaechliche Krieg” im Libanon erst jetzt beginne. “(…) 10,000 Israeli soldiers – the Israelis even suggest 30,000, although no one in Beirut takes that seriously – have now entered the country and every one of them is a Hizbollah target. From this morning, Hizbollah’s operations will be directed solely against the invasion force. And the Israelis cannot afford to lose 40 men a day. Unable to shoot down the Israeli F-16 aircraft that have laid waste to much of Lebanon, the Hizbollah have, for years, prayed and longed and waited for the moment when they could attack the Israeli army on the ground. Now they are set to put their long-planned campaign into operation.” (Independent vom 14.8.2006)